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How to Know a Podcast is Legit

There are a lot of podcasts out there in the world. There are also a lot of healthcare and occupational therapy-specific ones as well which you can find in my blog post, Guide to OT Podcasts. How do we tell if the information being shared is legit? Should we take it at face value and hope the host has done their research? 


I was prompted to write this blog post because I found myself listening without critiquing and then finding out later the information may be been skewed to present a business or person in a better light.

Critical analysis is such an important skill to have with how much information is out there in the world. As a podcast host myself, I am always trying to improve on this and want to make sure the information is well researched, relevant, and clear.

The markers I came up with that I look for in a podcast include:

1. References in the show notes

2. Reviews from other healthcare professionals

3. Have a team

4. Bringing in topic experts

5. Appear well organized and thoughtful in the discussion

6. Providing new information

7. Publishing consistently 

8. Sharing about businesses other than their own

9. Willing to disagree or challenge certain assumptions

Are there any other ways that help you know if a podcast is legit or not?